The Beginner’s Guide to Success

May 3, 2012 by Danny Rod
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It’s easy to lose yourself and what you stand for in the midst of things. Lives keep getting busier and often with technology, you can lose sight of who you truly are and who you truly want to be…writes Danny Rod.

Danny Rodd

I feel that as a young leader of the community it’s time to take a responsibility to give back to the community in other ways that do not revolve around day to day running of organisations and unrelated to current events.

Many years ago I used to deliver motivational talks on a regular basis, something that I felt really impacted those around me and inspired people to reach their potential. Through the years I lost sight of this and I feel it is something truly important to reconnect with and I am going to do so here.

Every Month, or more if I can, I will write a column and will post it on J-Wire and hope it will be something that inspires you and motivates you. I’m starting with the importance of direction.
Whether you are leading an organisation, studying or just trying to regain your edge it is important to know where you are heading.

In coming weeks I hope to introduce a method of productivity called Getting Things Done (made famous by David Allen) but in the meantime it’s important to consider taking things step by step.

So I invite you to take a few days to actually think about your direction in the short, medium and long term and once you do here is one amazing trick to help you stay motivated!

If you are using an iPhone or Android phone, set your wallpaper so that there is an image that inspires you and use a program such as Sticky Notes to write them as a list that appears over that picture. After you’ve aligned everything set the image as your background and look at it every day.

Mine is an image of my grandfather Max, someone who inspires me and next to this is 10 goals I wish to achieve this year. I’ve been doing something similar to this for the past 5 years and it’s uncanny just how many of your goals you end up achieving. Funny though, the goals that were not achieved were not due to lack of effort or not succeeding but rather because I’ve changed course in a small way and these goals are no longer what I want. (We’ll come back to this in later weeks when I start on the ABZ method)

If you don’t have a smartphone, try doing the same thing, find some images of things that inspire you (inspirational people, things, pictures of goals you may have) and type up your list of goals.
Print it off in a wallet sized card and laminate.
Read it every day and already without even thinking you’re several steps ahead to achieving your desires!

In the meantime, I urge you to take the next week or so to thing hard about a list of tentative goals you wish to achieve – they will change (trust me!) but write them down, keep refining them and once you’re happy and you’ve implemented the trick I’ve just shown you, you’re already ahead!

Danny Rodd is a 22 year old Law and International Studies Student who has served in numerous Jewish Community Leadership positions. His passion is to travel to make a difference to the world around him. You can find him at


One Response to “The Beginner’s Guide to Success”
  1. Steve Buschemi says:

    Having seen dannys other videos I cant wait to try this!

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