2025 Australia Day Awards: The Jewish Recipients
The AC is the highest honour that Australia can bestow upon a citizen and we congratulate James Edelman on being awarded it.
Jewish community members received one AC, one AO, three AMs, and eight OAMs. Seven go to Victoria, five go to NSW, and one goes to WA. Two awardees declined to be named.
The Honourable James Joshua Edelman, WA

James Edelman
For eminent service to the law and to the judiciary, to legal education and scholarship, as a mentor to academics and legal practitioners in Australia and internationally, and to the community.
Judicial and Practice
- Justice, High Court of Australia, since 2017.
- Justice, Federal Court of Australia, 2015-2017.
- Justice, Supreme Court of Western Australia, 2011-2015.
- Barrister, McCusker Chambers, 2001-2011.
University of Oxford
- Professor of the Law of Obligations, 2008-2011.
- Fellow and Tutor, Keble College, 2005-2011, and Honorary Fellow, current
- Former Editor, Patron, Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal.
- Rhodes Scholar, Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee, Western Australia, 2003, 2004, and 2013-2015.
Tertiary Education
- Honorary Adjunct Professor, The University of Queensland, current.
- Adjunct Professor, The University of Western Australia (UWA), current.
- Adjunct Professor, Monash University, current.
- Honorary Conjoint Professor, The University of New South Wales, current.
- Former Adjunct Professor, Ohio University Law School.
- Former Adjunct Professor, University of Georgia Law School.
Law – Other
- American Law Institute, since 2012.
- Advisory/Editorial Board, Journal of Equity; Curtin Law and Taxation Review 2012-2015, and Murdoch Law School 2013-2015, UWA Law Review.
- Author, Co-Author and Editor, nine published books, various articles, reviews, and notes on law-related subjects.
- One Essex Court Chambers, 2008-2011.
North Cottesloe Surf Life Saving Club (NCSLSC)
- Social and Special Events Officer, 2002-2003.
- Club Captain, 1995-1996, and 1996-1997.
Professor Thomas Gottlieb, Woollahra NSW 2025
For distinguished service to medicine as an infectious disease and microbiology specialist, author and researcher, and to professional organisations.

Thomas Gottllieib
Concord Hospital
- Head, Department of Infectious Diseases, since 2000.
- Head, Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, since 2014.
- Staff Specialist, Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, since 1991.
- Member, Medical Staff Council Executive, since 2000.
- Secretary, Division of Medicine, 1997-1999.
Medicine – Other
- Clinical Senior Lecturer, Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, The University of Sydney, since 1995.
- Member, NPS Antibiotic Resistance Working Group, 2012-2016.
- Member, Clinical Excellence Committee, Antimicrobial Stewardship Expert Advisory Committee, NSW Health, 2012-2020.
- Microbiologist, New South Wales Mycobacterial Reference Laboratory, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, ICPMR, Westmead Hospital, 1990-1995.
- Various other Registrar and Resident positions, 1982-1990.
- Member, Antimicrobial Resistance Standing Committee, Australian Health Protection Principal Committee, 3 years.
- Member, Australian Strategic and Technical Advisory Group on Antimicrobial Resistance, 2015-2018.
- Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Medicine National Antimicrobial Stewardship Advisory Committee, since 2021.
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
- Member, Infection Control Guidelines Committee, Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare, 2008-2010.
- Member, Infection Control Guidelines Committee, Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare, 2017-2019.
Australian Society for Antimicrobials
- President, 2012-2015.
- Vice-President, 2008-2011.
- Committee Member, current.
- Executive Council Member, since 2000.
- Member, since 1992.
- Executive Member, since 1999.
Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases
- President, 2009-2012.
- Vice-President, 2005-2008.
- Honorary Treasurer, 2002-2006.
- Council Member, 1999-2015.
- Member, Mycology Special Interest Group, since 1999.
- Representative, Australian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association Monitoring Committee, 2000.
- Representative, National Workshop to Reduce Health Care Associated Infection, Australian Council for Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2001.
- Life Member.
- Member, current.
Australasian Society for Microbiology
- Member, Mycobacteriology Special Interest Group, since 1991.
- Member, Antimicrobial Special Interest Group, since 1991.
Royal Australasian College of Physicians
- Chair, Specialist Advisory Committee, Infectious Diseases Training, 2007-2009, and Member, 2001-2007.
- Member, Expert Panel, Clinical Trials Shared Scientific Review Committee, 2000.
- Fellow, 1988.
Other Professional Memberships include:
- Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Pathologists, 1990.
- Member, Australasian Society for Microbiology, current.
- Member, American Society for Microbiology, current.
- Member, European Society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, current.
- Member, Australasian Society for HIV Medicine, current.
Publications and Editorial Board roles include:
- Editorial Board Member, Current Therapeutics and Pathology, 2000.
- Editorial Board Member, Modern Medicine, 2010.
- Editorial Board Member, Infectious Diseases Report, 2014.
- Journal Reviewer, various publications including the Medical Journal of Australia, Pathology, Internal Medicine Journal, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Lancet Infectious Diseases, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control, and the European Journal of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology.
- Member, Expert Writing Group, three editions, Australian Therapeutic Guidelines.
I feel that I have been rewarded for just doing something that I enjoy doing,” Thomas Gottlieb told J-Wire.
He believes his contribution owes much to his peers and has enjoyed doing something useful for society in studying and advising on treatment of infectious diseases.
“I have worked in a very broad medical specialty and being involved in creating public infectious disease policies, teaching and collaborating with colleagues has been very satisfying” he said.
He is part of a global campaign to improve stewardship of antibiotics to prevent the development of resistance. (Australia has a very high rate of antibiotic prescription)
Gottlieb believes Australia should pay the same attention to resistance as it does to obesity or mental health.
Emeritus Professor Ilana Snyder
For significant service to the Jewish community of Australia, and to tertiary education.
New Israel Fund Australia
- President, 2015-2022.
- Board Member, since 2014.
New Israel Fund (Global)
- Board Member, 2017-2022.
Monash University
- Emeritus Professor of Education, current.
- Board Member, Australian Centre of Jewish Civilisation, 2014-2020.
- Former Associate Dean, Research.
- Former Professor of Education.
- Associate Professor of Education, 2000s.
The Australian Book Review
- Former Board Member.
- Vorticist Patron, current.
- The Literacy Wars: Why Teaching Children to Read and Write is a Battleground in Australia, Allen and Unwin, 2008.
- Using Information and Communication Technologies in Adult Literacy Education, National Council for Vocational Research (NCVER), 2005.
- Silicon Literacies: Communication, Innovation and Education in the Electronic Age, Taylor and Francis Ltd, 2002.
- Teacher and Technoliteracy: Managing Literacy, Technology and Learning in Schools, Allen and Unwin, 2000.
- Hypertext: The Electronic Labyrinth, NYU Press, 1997.
- Something that Happens to Other People: Stories of Women Growing Older, Vintage, 1996.
“This award recognises my voluntary work for the New Israel Fund (NIF) Australia. I feel honoured to have been nominated. Together with my colleagues at NIF and our supporters within the Jewish community, our goal is to promote equality and justice for everyone in Israel, regardless of religion, race or sex,” said Ilana Snyder.
“I’m proud of all that we’ve achieved over the past decade to advance the foundations for peace between Israelis and Palestinians and strengthen civil society within Israel.
When I was an academic at Monash University my teaching and research focused on improving literacy education in Australian schools.
After retiring in 2015, I turned my attention and energy towards Israel. I was fortunate to find NIF, a global charitable organisation whose values and goals align with mine.
There are many non-profits on the ground in Israel whose work we support but after the horrors of October 7 and more than a year of a devastating war in Gaza, the organisations that stand out for me are those striving to build understanding between Jewish Israelis and Palestinian Israelis. I believe that social and political change begins at the grassroots level.
I love being part of a community of people with shared values, a community that provides a home for nuanced conversations about Israel. Even in these dark times, we retain our hope that Israeli society will become more inclusive and tolerant, living in peace with its neighbours” she said.
Professor Robert Gideon Weintraub, VIC
For significant service to paediatric medicine, and to medical research.

Robert Weintraub
Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne
- Paediatric Cardiologist, current.
- Director, National Australian Paediatric Heart Transplant Programme, since 1992.
- Clinical Lead, Heart Failure and Pulmonary Hypertension Programme, since 1992.
Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand
- Scientific Committee Member, since 2019.
- Scientific Programme Committee Member, National Lead in Paediatrics, since 2014.
Pulmonary Hypertension Society of Australia and New Zealand
- Foundation Member, 2011.
- Executive Committee Member, and Secretary, current.
- Member, Education, and Registry Committees, current.
Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand
- Cardiac Transplant Advisory Committee, Paediatric Representative, since 1993.
- Paediatric Transplant Advisory Committee, Cardiac Representative, since 2018.
Congenital Health Alliance of Australia and New Zealand
- Foundation Member.
- Steering Committee Member, current.
- Registry and Publications Sub-Committees, Member, current.
Paediatric Research Society of Australia and New Zealand
- Secretary, 1996-2000.
- Member, 1996-2003.
- Honorary Clinical Professor, Department of Paediatrics, The University of Melbourne, current.
- Tutor, Mayfield Education, 1994-2000.
- Tutor, Medical Radiation Sciences, RMIT, 1995-2000.
- Honorary Research Fellow Manager, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, current.
- Founder, National Australian Childhood Cardiomyopathy Study, 1997.
- Founding Member, Australia and New Zealand Sudden Cardiac Death Study, 2014.
- Investigator, nine grants, National Health and Medical Research Council, 2009-2023.
- Investigator, seven grants, National Heart Foundation, 1995-2009
- Co-Chair, Research Committee, Australian National Standards of Care, Federal Government Advisory Group.
Editorial positions and Publications include:
- Editorial Board Member, Paediatric Cardiology, since 1997.
- Editorial Board Member, Progress in Paediatric Cardiology, since 2010.
- Peer reviewed Publications, 275.
International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation
- Guidelines and Core Competency Writing Member.
- Annual Scientific Meeting, Paediatric Chair, 1999.
International – Other
- Member, Global Burden of Disease Consortium, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, since 2009.
- Member, Scientific Programme Committee, World Congress in Cardiology, 2014.
- Member, Scientific Programme Committee, World Congress in Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, 2009, 2023, and 2025.
- Member, Scientific Programme Committee, Idiopathic and Primary Cardiomyopathy in Children, 2021.
- Member, Scientific Programme Committee, Australian College of Paediatrics, 1996-2000.
Fellowships include:
- Royal Australian College of Physicians, 1987.
- International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 1994.
- Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, 2004.
- American College of Cardiology, 2005.
- American Heart Association, 2018.
Medicine – Other
- Member, Infantile Pompe Disease Advisory Committee, Life Saving Drugs Programme, Federal Department of Health, 2009-2012.
- Member, Pulmonary Atrial Hypertension Clinical Advisory Sub-Committee, Lung Foundation Australia, since 2014.
- Foundation Member and Victorian Paediatric Lead, Australia and New Zealand Fontan Registry, current.
- Victorian Lead, Australian Genomics Health Alliance, current.
- Co-investigator, Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance, current.
Awards and Recognition include:
- RT Hall Research Prize, Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, 2024.
- Uncle Bob’s Travelling Scholarship, Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation, 2014.
- Outstanding Research in Paediatric Cardiology, American Heart Association, 2008.
- Bernie O’Callaghan Award, National Heart Foundation of Australia, 2000.
“I am very proud and honoured to have received this. Above all it is a recognition from my peers that I have done a good job in my clinical and research life,” said Robert Weintraub.
“When I first entered this field 30 years ago there were no good options for medical treatment for children with end stage heart disease. There were very limited number of medications available which would keep them comfortable.
Heart transplant was a new and evolving field. Now we now have more available options to treat children so we can hopefully avoid, or defer, the need for heart transplantation. The outcome for these children has improved significantly.
My motivation is the health and wellbeing of my patients.
There is nothing like seeing a child going from being very sick to having a normal life and then to see them as they grow up when they come to the outpatient clinic” he said.
Anita Bejerano
For service to the Jewish community through a range of roles.

Anita Bejerano
Women’s International Zionist Organisation Victoria
- President, 2008-2011.
- Inaugural President and Co-Founder, WIZO Amit, 2001-2009.
- Former Vice President.
- Executive Member, 2002.
- Co-Fundraising Chair, c2002.
- Member, since 1995.
- Rebecca Sieff Award, 2011.
Women’s International Zionist Organisation Australia
- Vice President, 2008-2011.
- Honorary Life Member, since 2016.
Parents and Friends of Betar Victoria
- Vice President, since 2005.
- Fundraiser, since 2005.
- Member, since 2005.
Rotary Club of Camberwell Victoria
- Member, since 1994.
- Member, Fellowship Committee, current.
- Former Member, International Committee.
Fight Parkinson’s
- Fundraiser, current.
- Member, current.
“I am honoured to receive this award” Anita Bejerano said.
She belongs to five organisation and works with each in a different way.
When she joined WIZO she started a new group. Her aim was to show that WIZO is not just an organisation for older women.
“I was keen to involve the next generation. There were lot of younger women who joined who are now leaders in WIZO Victoria. We had approx 2,000 members in my time,” she said.
The goal was to raise money for single mothers in Israel.
“In Rotary it is more about raising money to supply polio injections in other countries. At Fight Parkinson’s, I encourage people with Parkinson’s not to see having it as the end of the world.
“I have it myself but always think about having a full glass, not an empty one. If I hear of someone with the disease I will visit and try to convince them to do deep brain stimulation to help with their symptoms”.
“At Parents and Friends of Betar we raise money to help families who can’t afford to send their children to camp.
“I am very proud of my Jewish heritage and being a Jewish Australian,” she said.
Daniel Hyam Dreyfus, Castle Cove NSW 2069
For service to the community through charitable organisations.

Danny Dreyfus
Australian Stockbrokers Foundation
Chair, current.
Co-Founding Director, since 1993.
- Principal (Chatswood) and Investment Advisor, Morgans Financial Limited, since 2010.
- State Manager New South Wales and ACT, Ord Minnett, 2008-2010.
- Chief Brokerage Officer, E*TRADE Australia, 2006-2008.
- Director, Australian Institutional Equities, RBS Financial Markets, 2001-2005.
- Vice-President (Associate Director), JP Morgan (formerly Ord Minnett) Securities, 1993-2002.
- Institutional Advisor, Potter Warburg Securities, 1988-1993.
- Business Analyst, Westfield Capital Corporation, 1987-1988.
- Institutional Advisor, Potter Partners/Potter Warburg Securities, 1985-1987.
- Business Analyst, Brambles Limited, 1983-1985.
- Industrial Relations and Personnel Manager, Aust. Ltd, 1980-1982.
- Industrial Relations Officer, Seatainer Terminals Ltd, 1978-1980.
Awards and Recognition include:
- Stockbrokers Hall of Fame, 2018.
“I feel incredibly honoured by receiving this Award. It is really humbling,” said Daniel Dreyfus.
“Thirty years ago when the Matthew Talbot Hostel, an inner city homeless men’s refuge in Sydney, was in disrepair, Sir John Menadue was trying to raise funds for it.
The Australian Stockbrokers Foundation (ASF) was formed and raised $15,000 at the first dinner. It now holds an annual Awards Dinner for over 400 members of the stockbroking community.
“The proceeds go to a variety of selected charities. The ASF does not employ any staff, distributing 95% of the funds raised. The Matthew Talbot Hostel, women’s refuges, disadvantaged children’s causes and other charities are the main recipients” he said.
Since its inception, ASF has raised a total of nearly $ 10 million from sponsors in the investment advice industry, and Dreyfus expects to exceed that grand total this year.
“I am grateful. Having been involved from the beginning we have tried to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Meeting the representatives of the charities we support makes it all worthwhile,” he said.
He added: “The first Stockbroker event raised $160,000 for The Talbot. Since its inception, ASF has raised a total of nearly $10million from sponsors in the investment advice industry and Dreyfus expects to exceed that grand total this year.”
Noemie Eva Fox, Sydney NSW 2750

Noemie Fox
For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paris Olympic Games 2024.
Australian Olympic Team
- Gold Medallist, Women’s Salom Kayak Cross, Paris, 2024.
“I am incredibly honoured to be awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia and to have OAM added to my name.
This time last year I was getting ready for my domestic selection and doing press conferences on how I feel for the Olympic qualifier in June.
Today, I’m taking the start as Olympic Champion and speaking with the same journalists about how honoured I am to receive this award.
I am so proud of my achievements and to have represented Australia on the world stage in Paris,” Noemi Fox told J-Wire.
She will be taking the startline for the Oceania Open on Australia Day but plans to celebrate when the official ceremony takes place.
Vivienne Fried, VIC

Vivienne Fried
For service to the community, particularly through charitable organisations.
Spotlight Group Holdings
- Director, since 1973.
- Director, Spotlight Foundation, current.
The National Gallery of Victoria Women’s Association
- Board Member, since 2017.
Benefactor Supporter and Donor
- The Lighthouse Foundation.
- SisterWorks.
- National Institute of Integrative Medicine.
- Flying Fox.
- Yeshivah – Beth Rivkah Colleges.
- Yooralla.
- Meals on Wheels.
- Together for Cambodia.
- Chabad North Queensland.
- Jewish Care.
- National Gallery of Victoria.
- Emmy Monash Aged Care.
- Jewish Holocaust Centre.
- Chevra Hatzalah Melbourne.
“It’s a wonderful honour and I feel very humbled to have been nominated,” said Vivienne Fried.
“I really feel that I am accepting this award on behalf of my late husband Ruben and our Spotlight Group team members who continue to support us and have been doing so since 1973.
Jewish people are innately very generous and personally, I have always cared about those who have not had the same opportunities that I have had.
When I was younger my family was fortunate to receive help we needed it and I’m always compelled to give back to the community. I have always felt very connected to worthy causes that specifically enable people to be educated and have a chance to succeed in Life.
“I am very passionate about education and the Ruben Fried Scholarship at five of the Jewish day schools. This is something of which I am very proud.
Hatzolah is also an organisation that is close to my heart since establishing themselves in Rippon Lea” she said.
Irene Tomi Kalinski, East Malvern VIC 3145

Tomi Kalinsiki Photo: Yvonne Coppersmith
For service to the Jewish community of Melbourne.
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
- Board Member, 2000-2010.
- Cultural Committee Member, current.
- Musician, Kadimah Yiddish Theatre, current.
- Musical Director, current.
- Yiddish Teacher, current.
- Former Volunteer, Mitvokh Klub.
- Life Member, 2017.
- Volunteer, since 2006.
Mir Kumen On Yiddish Choir, Jewish Labour Bund Melbourne
- Inaugural Leader, since 2008.
- Accompanist, since 2008.
Yiddish Australia
- Committee Member, 2006-2010.
- Volunteer, Yidish Sof-Vokh Oystralye immersion retreats, since 2006.
Sholem Aleichem College
- Choir Accompanist, current.
- Teacher, VCE Yiddish classes, Sholem Aleichem College Community Education Centre, 2007-2016.
Bialik College
- Teacher, VCE Yiddish Classes, 2007-2016.
- Music Teacher, c1988-2008.
“I am embarrassed by this Award because there are so many people who do so much and who don’t get honoured,” said Tomi Kalinski.
She is passionate about contributing to the vibrancy of Jewish and Yiddish culture in Melbourne.
“My first language was Yiddish and my second language was music” she said.
“My parents were told by my kindergarten teacher that I was musical. They somehow found the money for me to have piano lessons, and I am eternally grateful for that,” she said.
She teaches adults Yiddish but says it is her contact with young people that keeps her going.
“I give my heart and soul to Yiddish culture; it is something that makes me happy.
I suppose I do it for all the millions of Yiddish-speaking writers, performers, children – all those who were murdered. It is so important to keep it going in all kinds of ways. Working with young people on Yiddish, Israeli and klezmer music makes life worth living and inspires me” she said.
Kalinski says that it is an honour to be acknowledged for doing what she loves.
Francine Lazarus, Double Bay NSW 2028
For service to the Jewish community.

Francine Lazarus
Sydney Jewish Museum
- Contributor, Dimensions in Testimony, 2019.
- Holocaust survivor speaker, since 2010.
- Volunteer, since 2010.
Jewish Community
- Author, A hidden Jewish child from Belgium: survival, scars and healing, Vallentine Mitchel & Co Ltd, 2017.
- Member, Australian Association of Holocaust Survivors and Descendants, since 2005.
- Community Other
Member, Double Bay Probus Club, since 2018.
“I would never have believed that I could be the recipient of such an esteemed award.
It means acceptance, something I finally felt when I attained citizenship after decades living in this beautiful country, but now it is a full embrace,” Francine Lazarus told J-Wire.
“For much of my childhood and adult life, I was told to forget my experiences of the Holocaust and my post-war life.
It was only in recent years that I began to speak about my life at the Sydney Jewish Museum and realised the importance of sharing my story to give a voice to all the Jewish children murdered in the Holocaust and warn of the dangers of hatred.
Education is the most significant preventer of hatred against a people, and I stress to all the importance of learning and growing in creating a harmonious society. As I’ve watched generations of children who come through the museum, I notice each child resonates with something different, be it about my difficult relationship with my Mother, coming to terms with the murder of my Father, or finding joy and love in my family.
I always used to end my talk by telling the children to hug their Mother and Father that night, something I wish I had experienced more in my childhood and adult life.
Writing my book, “A Hidden Jewish Child From Belgium” was both a testing and rewarding experience. Being a part of the Sydney Jewish Museum’s DIT project stands out in externalizing the lessons of the Holocaust.
My childhood was one of complex family problems, with my Father murdered in Auschwitz and my Mother disconnecting from me, leaving me moving from house to house with no stability. It was only when I moved to Australia and started my own family, that I began to realize how important family is. From my family, I found forms of recovery and healing, two things I thought impossible,” she said.
Sean Sidney Meltzer, Caulfield North VIC 3161
For service to the Jewish community, and to the arts.

Sean Meltzer
Melbourne Holocaust Museum (formerly Jewish Holocaust Centre)
- Video Director, since 2023.
- Digital Consultant, since 2023.
J-AIR Community Radio 88FM
- Chair, current.
- President, 2020-2022.
- Board Member, since 2012.
Rotary Club of Melbourne
- Videographer and Producer, Anti-Domestic Violence Campaign, 2019.
- Videographer and Producer, SAFE Families Campaign, 2024.
AJAX Senior Australian Rules Football Club
- Former Board Member.
- Volunteer Videographer, since 2020.
Community Videography – Other
- Volunteer Videographer, March of the Living Australia 2004-2014.
- Videographer and Producer, International Women’s Day Breakfast, Women in Rotary, 2016-2019.
Screen Producers Australia
- Elected Board Member, 2018-2020.
- Member, current.
La Trobe University Union
- President, 1978-1979.
- Former Board Member.
- Life Member, since 1979.
Meltzer Productions
- Managing Director, 1998-2015, since 2020.
- Videographer Producer, 1998-2015, since 2020.
Professional – Other
- General Manager, Roar Digital, 2015-2020.
Awards and Recognition include:
- Community Recognition Award, Jewish Community Council of Victoria Inc, 2016.
- Meyer Burston Holocaust Education Scholarship, Friends of the Jewish Holocaust Museum Inc, 2006.
“I am very excited and honoured to receive an OAM”, Sean Meltzer told J-Wire.
“The Australian honours are a reflection on the role we can all play in our communities. I never thought my services on Boards and organisations and the work with my camera would amount to this” he said.
Meltzer says that what drives him is that he likes to see a finished project and its success.
At university, he was President of the Student Union. At school, he swapped doing cadets and chose community service instead. He believes these actions instilled the social ethic of giving back and helping.
He volunteered for the March of the Living education tours of Poland and Israel (2004 to 2011) and in recent years acted as President, Chairman and committee member for radio J-AIR, Australia’s only Jewish Community radio station.
“It has always been me and my camera to help where I could. I think that I have something to offer and it’s not always about raising money, but more a role in the intangible elements of charity and service, where lending a hand is just as important” he said.
If we have made omissions or errors, please email us the details at [email protected]
Report prepared by Roz Tarszisz and Henry Benjamin
Congratulations to all these worthy winners. The Jewish people make considerable contributions to the betterment of our society. Their value to Australia far exceeds that of certain other groups.
I am thrilled to see an OAM awarded to Tomi Kalinski. Why? Because in her music and most obviously in her heart and soul lives such beauty and such joy alongside the sadness of historical Jewish existence that it touches me deeply. To every person she meets and every performance she gives, she hands this on. There can be no better contribution to Jewish life than that.
Kol HaKevod Tomi Kalinksi.
NB: I have only met and also heard Tomi Kalinksi playing piano once in my life and that was in 2023 when she took part in the launch of Eugene Shafir’s book ‘Wehrwolf’ at the Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre in Elsternwick, Vic.
The photo you see of her here signifies her special beauty and energy.
All these wonderful people who most of us would never cross paths with even with private health cover.