A Jewish Star About to be Born

February 5, 2011 by Elly Shalev
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The Zionist Council of Victoria (ZCV) and United Jewish Education Board (UJEB) have joined creative forces to present a Jewish youth talent competition to the community modeled on the Israeli version of “Idol” called “Kochav Nolad” (A Star is Born).
The talent competition will showcase as part of the Zionist Council’s exciting and new format for Yom Ha’atzmaut 2011 celebrations – mark the date in your calendars for major events on May 9, 2011.
The Kochav Nolad finals will take place at the Yom Ha’atzmaut celebrations at Luna Park in front of the Melbourne Jewish community where in excess of 2,500 people are expected to attend.
“This is an opportunity for young Jewish people to show their talent, to be discovered” says ZCV Executive Director Ginette Searle. “The Idol-like talent contest is open to Jewish youth from grade 4 up to year 12 in the vocal section and grade 5 to year 12 in the dance section. Finalists will be mentored by music director, Adam Starr in the lead up to the event. We’re delighted that we’ll be able to present fantastic emerging talent to the community and we’re sure we’ll discover hidden stars.”
The judging panel will be made up of well known local music and dance personalities Troy Sussman, Bram Presser and Kim Factor.
Entries are now open and potential stars are encouraged to enter: it’s easy, just send the ZCV a video clip of your performance to a Hebrew or Israel-related song.
UJEB General Manager Deon Kamien is thrilled to be a part of the event. “We see immense value in supporting and encouraging the young talent in our diverse and talented community. We think that this competition is a wonderful opportunity for people from all parts of the community to join in the Yom Ha’atzmaut celebrations and celebrate Israel” he says.

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