Yom Ha’atzmaut – Sydney

April 18, 2010 by Henry Benjamin
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Around 5000 members of Sydney’s Jewish community celebrated the 62nd anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel.

They packed the grassy grounds of Randwick race course, strolling and browsing the broad variety of goods and services on offer in the colourful  stands especially built for Yom Ha’azmaut.

The choirs combine for Oseh Shalom and the Hatikvah all pix: Henry Benjamin

Adina Herz

The betting pavilion at the famous race track was turned into a concert hall as singers from Emanuel Synagogue choir, the Sydney Jewish Choral Society, Masada Choir, Emanuel School Choir and the Mt Sinai Choir performed in the final event…Sydney sings for Israel hosted by Geoff Sirmai. They took to the stage to entertain the crowd with  nine-year-old Reddam House student Adina Herz giving an outstanding performance of Yerushalim shel Zahav. The huge crowd got into the swing of things with the song and dance routine from the girls of the Emanuel School.

Aviva Kogus, Executive Director of the State Zionist Council of New South Wales, told J-Wire: “For me, the highlight of the day was the combined choirs singing Oseh Shalom and Hatikvah…and the fireworks.  Fireworks play an important part in the Yom Ha’atzmaut celebrations in Israel. Our day was very successful and I would like to thank publicly all the communal organisations who helped make it the success it was.’

Shula Endrey-Walder gets her blood. 36 times!

The Gift of Life organisation was not after money…they were literally after the crowd’s blood. Organiser Shula Endrey-Walder told J-Wire: “We have had thirty-six people donate blood today for our stem cell/bone marrow match program…it’s been exhausting, but worth every second.”

Shir Madness had well-known musicians on its stand. Later this year, they will present Sydney’s first Jewish music festival…

The celebrations ended with an outstanding fireworks show as young and old stood entranced as the knockout display lit the night sky.

Check our video of the singing event….

J-Wire has received a special Yom Ha’atzmaut message from Israel’s Prime Minister.

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